Design-Build Owner’s Representative Services

When considering the team you need to design and build your new facility, don’t underestimate the importance and value of an owner’s rep to oversee that team.

An owner’s rep is an often overlooked and undervalued partner. You know you need a broker, an architect, a contractor… But is that site right for you or the broker? Which architect will best execute your vision? Have you invited the right contractors to bid, and who’s reviewing their costs and making sure their work is done properly?

And about that site… Are there environmental issues? Zoning, permitting or infrastructure challenges? Is public funding available? How much should it all cost? How long should it take? What about furniture? I.T.? Security?

You have a business to run and clients of your own that won’t wait while you manage your project. And if yours is like most organizations, you likely have the specialized expertise necessary to efficiently achieve your goals and effectively manage your risks and resources.

You need an owner’s rep. Let us help.

JJH3group can take the lead in managing your project from start to finish — educating you, advocating for you and assembling and leading the design-build team on your behalf. We make sure that YOUR vision is the TEAM’s vision, that YOUR priorities are the TEAM’s priorities… Planning, organizing, facilitating communication, resolving conflicts and providing expertise and value well beyond the cost of our services.



Our real estate development expertise can provide value even before a property is selected — organizing the process, providing valuable budget and planning insight, and helping you make well-informed and effective decisions:

  • Establishing project requirements, objectives, milestones and budgets

  • Finding and evaluating potential sites; leading the due diligence effort

  • Managing the entitlement process and obtaining governmental approvals

  • Creating and maintaining the master proforma, budget and project schedule



Trust us to take on the important role of assembling the right design team, streamlining the permitting process and helping the team “value engineer” the project — removing unnecessary costs and directing expenditure where it maximizes value. Equally critical is our ability to strategically and effectively plan the construction process and find the best contractors for the job:

  • Assembling the design team and overseeing the design and permitting process

  • Reviewing the documents for quality, constructability and cost-effectiveness

  • Developing construction phasing plans; updating budgets and cash flow projections

  • Managing the bid process, evaluating proposals and supporting contract negotiation



As construction begins, we transition into your representative and advocate for all field matters — facilitating communication within and outside of the team, overseeing the work, making sure project objectives are being met safely and properly, administering construction contracts and providing you with regular budget and schedule updates:

  • Reviewing submittals and regularly touring the site for quality, productivity and safety

  • Attending regular team meetings to discuss progress, scheduling and coordination

  • Providing the client with periodic budget and schedule updates; identifing potential risks

  • Managing change order requests and the monthly contractor payment process



Our responsibility is to not only make sure the work is executed properly, but to also coordinate with the contractors, designers, local authorities and your team to assure a smooth construction close-out and move-in process:

  • Working with designers and contractors to document, address and close out the punch list

  • Overseeing commissioning, testing, start-up and training; collecting warranties and record documents

  • Verifying final payments to all contractors; collecting all appropriate lien waivers, bonds, etc


On developer-driven projects, an experienced owner’s rep plays a key role in the client’s sales, marketing and lease-up efforts by effectively integrating the expectations of the client’s target market into site selection, design and construction. We make sure all project decisions are synchronized with marketing strategies that will differentiate your final product from the competition and attract the right customers — which is ultimately the true measure of project success.

Interested in learning more? JJH3group is an commercial real estate development and design-build advisory firm based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The firm was founded on a core set of guiding values and principles, providing clients with quality development, design and construction services across a broad spectrum of project types. We are experienced in assembling multidisciplinary teams and partnering with public and private stakeholders to deliver well-designed, functional and efficient facilities. Let JJH3group help you plan and manage your next project. For a free consultation, please contact us at or (414) 333-3430.