Jeffrey Hook Jeffrey Hook

Redesign Concept: Stanley Place, Riverwest Milwaukee

This redevelopment concept suggests historical rehabilitation and vertical expansion of an abandoned multi-story industrial building along the Milwaukee River into a mixed-use multifamily development with retail-restaurant space and interior garage parking

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Jeffrey Hook Jeffrey Hook

Rehabilitation Concept: Lindsay Bros Bldg, 5th Ward Milwaukee

This redevelopment concept suggests strategic interior renovations and structural modifications that would revitalize, repurpose and reposition a prominent, historic and underutilized industrial building at the entrance to the Walker’s Point Neighborhood

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Jeffrey Hook Jeffrey Hook

Development Concept: Catalano Square, 3rd Ward Milwaukee

This development concept suggests supplementing a previously downsized two-story office building and surface parking proposal with a lineup of luxury row houses and a subgrade parking level that would, in turn, support an additional office floor

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Jeffrey Hook Jeffrey Hook

Redesign Concept: Life Corporation Building, Milwaukee

This redevelopment concept explores the unique potential of the existing building and site to experiment with a construction type that has not yet been attempted in Milwaukee — the adaptive reuse of steel shipping containers for multifamily construction

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